Here at The House of Hope, we believe that ministry goes further than the pulpit. Listed below are some of our ministries that we would love to have you involved in!

Kids Of Hope / Children's Church
Here at the House of Hope we are focused on equipping our Children with Christian values and principles through the teaching and application of God's Word in a relatable way to them. We have classes on Sundays at 11 am and Wednesdays at 7pm. The kids learn Bible-based lessons, memorize Power Verses, songs and do fun activities that apply to their lives in a relatable way. Through Godly activities, skits and discussions we help to develop Godly Character, Faith and Knowledge of Jesus.
We have two different age groups, we have our younger class that is from 2-6, and our "big" kids are from 7-12.
We are training them up so that when they are old, they will not depart!- Proverbs 22:6
Any questions or you are wanting more info please reach out to Shirley Holt, Children's Church Pastor at shirley@hohwc.org or 336-475-0521
Marriage Preparation
Before you say the words, "I do", you should go through preparation and see what the Word says about marriage, along with its requirements. If this sounds like something you would like to do before your special day, please contact Pastor Ronnie directly @ 336-475-0521 or simply send a message to our church pastor@hohwc.org for more details.

Chosen Warriors Youth Ministry & Young Adults
In your life, some of the most molding times are in your teens. You begin to find who you are as a person as you go through middle school, high school, college, and in the workplace. This can be, and more than likely is the most influential time of your life. In today's generation, people find their value based on how people see them. But you can allow us to show you your value in Christ Jesus and make the decision to follow Him. We understand that our youth is our future and the church's future and we want to impart into them the Word and the Truth so they can become the future leaders for the Kingdom.
if you are at least 13 years of age we would love to have you join us! There will be some challenges along the way, but with a group of people who are in similar places as you, we can encourage each other, pray for one another, and study the Word together. Our Youth takes trips and go on other outings as well to help grow our teens further in their relationship with Christ.
Please join us on Wednesdays at 7 PM for our Chosen Warrior meetings and feel free to contact our Youth Pastors Derrick & Sammie Holt at info@hohwc.org with any further questions.
Men's Ministry
The purpose of the House of Hope Men's Ministry is to help men find their identity and take their positions in the family of God. We equip men to be the Godly individuals, husbands and fathers that God has purposed us to be.
We provide a place of transparency where we acknowledge, navigate and help one another overcome and any all obstacles we face daily. We lead our wives and children by the Word of God as we strengthen and encourage them to fulfill their ordained purpose. We raise up sons in the Kingdom as we lead them to Jesus and disciple them in Kingdom principles. We sharpen one another, drawing us closer together and ultimately to the Lord!
We are anointed men of God who fervently pray, unashamedly worship, eagerly seek biblical truth and lead by love.
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17

Women's Ministry
The purpose of the House of Hope Women's Ministry is to connect, disciple and serve. We connect with others as we gather monthly for times of food and fellowship. We disciple one another as we remain connected in our daily lives. We serve one another in prayer and acts of love.
As we continue to laugh and cry together, pray and worship together- we grow together. We grow in our relationship with the Lord and with one another.
We are a group of women in faith. Women who saturate our shields in the water of the Word and the Blood of the Lamb to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. Women who lock our shields in prayer as we protect and fight for one another. Women who hold tight our shields to forge ahead in the Power of the Holy Spirit to our next victory together.
Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole. Mark 5:34
Join us the 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm- we would love to have you. Any questions or for more information please contact Sis Amy at 336-475-0521 or info@hohwc.org
B.R.E.A.T.H. of Hope
B.R.E.A.T.H. of Hope is an acronym for: Believing, Restoring, Encouraging, Anointing, Trusting, Healing.
If you or someone you know is recovering from or need assistance in fighting addiction, grief, domestic violence or depression, call or text our helpline at 336-944-0680 or email info@hohwc.org We would love to pray with you and too provide you with some information that may assist you in moving forward with your life. Everything that is shared privately or in one of our in-person meetings is private and 100% confidential. There's no judgement, just love from each other the Father.
In person meetings are the first Monday and third Thursdays of every month- 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. There is also a Live at 11, one Saturday a month streaming from our Facebook Group.

Van Ministry
Our Van Ministry is a way for people in our Community (within 15 miles of the church) to be able to come to church and be apart of us. We will pick you up and take you back home after service. From first time visitors to established members we have a way to help you get to church. We strive to show the Love of God to people that we meet and to give them an idea of what our church is about before they ever step in the door.
If you or someone you know would like a ride or needs a ride let us know and we would love to come pick them up!
Call or send us a message!
Senior Saints
Our HOHWC Sr Saints Ministry has an awesome group of what we at the House of Hope call our Super Saints. These men and women of God have been serving God a long time. Every time they meet there is fun, fellowship, connection and encouragement! We love our Senior Saints and all the wisdom they bring to us. Ages 55+, if you want more information please contact Darrell or Shirley Holt.